Market to Your Customers Senses

You can really ramp up the effectiveness of your marketing by playing to your customers' senses. Have your website, printed brochure, email communications, and TV commercials talk about how your product looks, sounds, smells, and feels.

A lot of top car sales people will start a test drive with a customer by saying "mmm I never get tired of the smell of a new car." The sales person who rides in new cars all day never really notices the smell, but she knows the customer probably hasn't been in a new car in several years. The new smell is associated with the fun and excitement of a new purchase. So the savvy sales person wastes no time in pointing out how the product smells.

You could say the same thing about everything from baked goods to plastic items that still smell new from the manufacturing process.

The Web has dramatically increased every business's ability to show how a product looks. You can have 10 to 15 photos of the product taken from every angle and focusing up close on all the major details. This method of promoting to sight is especially evident on eBay. I'm always more likely to buy the product that has lots of clear photos rather than the one with a single blurry shot made with a cell phone in low light.

Does your product make a sound? Point out how the hum, purr, roar, or highly calibrated whir is the sign of premium craftsmanship. Your ad can talk about the sound and how it gets attention, how others will immediately know you've bought quality.

Point out how the product feels. Is it soft, firm, heavy, light? Which of these things are associated with quality in the minds of your prospects and customers. Many people value heavy cars. A better vacuum cleaner should always be lighter. Skin can be both soft and firm.

What if you sell a service? You can still market to senses effectively. Computer repair probably focuses on convenience and reliability. But the repair firm could also talk about the sounds a distressed computer makes and the stylish look and feel of new computers. In this case add one or two references to the senses mixed in with the usual features and benefits of your service.

We humans get all our information about the world around us from our senses. It only makes sense to refer to these constant sensations when trying to paint a positive picture of your product or service in the minds of prospects.

Make a short list of the positive ways people describe your product or service. Make sure a few touch, taste, smell, or sound references are included. Use those descriptions in your marketing copy. Your copy will work much better to capture the attention and imagination of your audience.

When marketing gets attention and gets people personally involved, it sells. The more a person is involved in your marketing, the more they buy and the sooner the buy.
